Sunday, November 8, 2015

发展汉语 Developing Chinese Beginner-Intermediate Anki Deck

This is my personal Anki deck for the "发展汉语 Developing Chinese" series of textbooks used in Chinese Universities. I started with the very first book and am currently at the first semester of Intermediate level. The vocabulary included here is only for the Comprehensive textbook.

I didn't comprehensively add every single word, only words that I don't know, unfamiliar grammar, or words that have characters I already know but want to review. The translations are usually pretty bad but I'm more interested in how well a card allows  me to recall the meaning of the specific word and not the overall sentence structure. As my Chinese improves I often come across an old card and take a few seconds to update it or just laugh/marvel at how far my Chinese has come :)

***The audio included in this deck is copyrighted. Please support the publishers by purchasing the companion texts before using this deck (I'm not sure it will be that useful otherwise).***

Well, hopefully someone benefits from this :D

Study well!

发展汉语 Developing Chinese Beginner-Intermediate Anki Deck.apkg

PS This deck currently ends at Intermediate Level I, Chapter 6. I will try to update this periodically if other people find it useful. Otherwise, leave a comment and I'll get my lazy donkey on it.

10-4-2016: Someone requested an update to the deck. So here it is: 发展汉语 4-6-2016.apkg updated last in April of this year.  Last chapter added was Chapter 7 from 中级综合 II (Comprehensive Intermediate II). I've since stopped studying at university here in China. I technically graduated from the two year language program or my scholarship ended (whichever you prefer :) ). I'm now studying on my own and I do regret just a little bit not jumping out and doing things on my own terms earlier. Of course, with that being said I can't really say thanks enough for the all the opportunities XiaDa has given me and the doors that have been opened by being a university student in a foreign land.

Chinese-Forums Post